Wednesday, July 31, 2019

American and British Labor

The dramatic rise of the British Labor Party to the position of His Majesty's opposition in the House of Commons has focused the attention of the entire Western world upon the British labor movement. On the benches where Burke and Gladstone once sat there are now over 140 miners, machinists, weavers, boilermakers and working class leaders ready to take over the government of Great Britain if the conservative parties fail. The movement which has brought the British working class to the thresh-old of power is not the sudden spurt of a handful of insurrectionists working upon the discontent of the people. It is a conscious and highly organized section of the state moving deliberately toward a new kind of industrial and political society. The movement has tremendous significance for America because it is a movement of kindred peoples, speaking a common language and struggling in the midst of industrial problems which are not unlike the problems of America. What British labor does in one decade may be done in America in the next. To understand the British labor movement it is well to note first of all that it is a movement of one hundred and twenty-five years' growth. Many of the issues which are today vital in the American labor movement were disposed of fifty years ago in Great Britain. When America was still predominantly an agricultural country Great Britain had passed through the first and worst stages of the Industrial Revolution. With the introduction of power  driven machinery great numbers of workers were brought together under one employer in factories and mills. They were forced to work fifteen and eighteen hours a day for   wages that would now be refused by an errand boy. They formed unions and went on strikes only to be beaten, imprisoned and exiled. When they demanded a ten-hour day   they were denounced as criminals. When they formed a picket line, they were imprisoned for intimidation. Although temporarily defeated in times of industrial depression they did not lose courage. Step by step they won the right to organize, the right to strike, collective bargaining, political power in the state, the reduction of hours, the enormous increase of wages, and a measure of joint control over working conditions. Every forward step which the British workers have taken has been bitterly fought by the employing classes and has been conceded only when labor demonstrated its superior economic or political power. With such a background of struggle the British labor movement is not a delicate thing. It does not depend on employers' sanctions: it is not concerned about its respectability. It is proud with the pride of a hard won success. The Rise of the Labour Party From the back bedroom of Ramsay MacDonald's house in No. 3 Lincoln's Inn Field to the front benches of Parliament in twenty years the Labor Party has come. Its growth is the most inspiring achievement of the British labor movement. It is a party of manual and brain workers, controlled by workers and led by workers. Fifty years ago there was no indication that the workers would ever reject the old parties and create a party of their own. The growth of the idea of a separate labor party was at first painfully slow. In 1892 Kier Hardie sat alone as the first independent worker to be elected to the House of Commons. He helped to organize the Independent Labor Party, a group of vigorous young socialists who set about to convert the trade unions to believe in the political action of labor. By 1900 they had so far succeeded that the Trades Union Congress appointed a Labor Representation Committee. Since the formation of this committee, the power of labor in politics has steadily grown. The Labor Party, officially   formed in 1906, startled the country in that year by electing 29 members to Parliament. In 1910 the party elected 42 members and in 1918 about 70. In November, 1922, the Labor Party returned 144 representatives and some 10,000 local and municipal officials. If the increase in the Labor Party vote continues to be as rapid as it was in the years from 1900 to 1922, Great Britain will have a clear majority of labor voters by 1926. The labor votes have increased from 62,000†¦ socialist societies affiliated in a body of individual members. The brain workers are joining the party in increasing numbers are being provided for by separate local organizations. The Labour party is controlled by annual conference of delegates from the affiliated organizations and by an execute committee of twenty-three members elected by the conference. The party carries candidate becomes official when he has been approved by the National Executive Committee of the Labor Party. In this scheme of nominating candidates the individual members of the Labor Party are not forgotten. Their candidates immediately before election, often a constituency has a â€Å"prospective† candidate who may be chosen shortly after an election and approved by the national Labour Party who have 43 representatives, but there has been no fundamental clash of interests between the trade-union leaders and the intellectuals. The chief reason for the opposition to the Communist International is that the British workers do not favor the method of revolution adopted by the Communists. Operation in international affairs will be more successful than the similar pledge given by the European socialists before the war. THE POWER OF THE UNIONS There are more than twice as many members in trade unions in Great Britain as there are in the United States in proportion to population. Almost every industry has its union or unions with recognition and collective bargaining. The membership of unions affiliated to the Trades Union Congress increased from one million in 1895 to six and one-half millions in 1920. During 1921 and 1922 there was a serious loss in union membership because of unemployment and the financial depression but there were no indications that this loss would be permanent. The 1922 figures showed about five million union members. The Federation of British Industries, the largest employers' organization, representing 16,000 firms and over 19 billion dollars of capital, in its official report on the control of industry, says: â€Å"The principles of trade union representation and collective bargaining are now fully accepted by employers.† British employers do not use the term collective bargaining to mean dealing with â€Å"Company Unions† or employees' organizations set up by the employers themselves. There are virtually no â€Å"Company Unions† in Great Britain, except the organizations of foremen and supervisors. Most British employers bargain directly with their employees as members of a national or district labor union. It is generally recognized that the workers have the right to choose their own representatives without restriction. They are usually represented in negotiations with employers by their own elected union officers who are specialists in gathering and presenting information about the trade. In America, the unskilled workers are the last of the manual workers to be organized, with the result that strong craft unions may be found working with unskilled non union, demonstrated during the conduct of great strikes. In the coal strike of the spring and summer of 1921, over 1,000,000 miners were on strike, and approximately 3,000,000 other workers of organizers. It is controlled by the votes of the delegates who have power in proportion to the number of members they represent. (Paul Blanshard – author, Paul Blanshard – author. Publisher: George H. Doran Company. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 1923. Page Number: 20.) The Labour Party was created in 1900: a new party for a new century.   Its formation was the result of many years of hard effort by working people, trade unionists and socialists, united by the goal of changing the British Parliament to represent the interests of everybody.   Ignored by the Tories and disillusioned with the Liberals, a coalition of different interests came together to push for change at a Conference on Labour Representation in London's Memorial Hall in February 1900. For many years the new organisation struggled to take root in the British political system.   The conference of February 1900 had not even created a proper ‘party.' Instead the new body was called the Labour Representation Committee and it had no members, only organisations affiliated to it.   In the elections of that year, the new group made little ground.   Indeed Labour's leaders worked closely with the 1906-14 Liberal Governments, and relied on their majority to agree measures to help Labour, such as the Trade Disputes Act of 1906, and the payment of MPs in 1911. But while Labour in Parliament was â€Å"hanging from the coat-tails† of the Liberals, Labour in the country was growing apace.   The number of constituency parties affiliated rose from 73 in 1906 to 179 by 1914 and before the outbreak of war prevented the expected election, Labour was prepared to field a record number of candidates.   When the Liberal Party split in 1916, the Labour Party was well placed to make a challenge for power. Until the early 1900s, people often worked long hours for low wages. The labor movement began as people started to work together to improve their work conditions. Although there are many laws to protect workers, there are still concerns about working conditions, particular the use of immigrants and children. In the 1930s, the labor movement gained momentum. With an abundance of labor, employers could easily replace workers. Labor unions were formed to help workers get organized and bargain for their needs and rights. Workers created unions because groups have more bargaining power than individuals. When large groups of employees make joint decisions, employers are forced to listen to their concerns. For example, if all the workers in a factory stopped working at the same time, it would be difficult to keep the company operating. Early unions in North America faced a difficult battle. Employers refused to accept the unions. The courts often declared the unions illegal. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 and other laws required employers to bargain with unions. Political parties and other groups have also become involved with the labor movement. Organized labor is not as powerful today as it once was. However, many people such as construction, factory,and industry employees are members of unions. Although they have helped workers earn higher wages and better working conditions, some people think they are too powerful.                                                

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Visual Merchandising

Visual Merchandising: Visual Merchandising is very important because the first impression of the product or store on the customer is by visualizing. If the impression is positive then customers attract to the store. A store must have the inviting appearance to the customers. Objectives of Visual Merchandising: Objective of visual merchandise is to attract the customers to your business in order to sell the merchandise. The main objective is to make the customers feel comfortable and eager to buy. Essential of Visual Merchandising: * Interior Floor  Design  and Display. * Space and Signage. * Window Display. Tools Use for Visual Merchandising: Audio-Visual Displays. * Decoration and Props. * Signage and Graphics. The presentation in visual merchandising falls into two categories mainly: 1. Exterior Presentations. 2. Interior Presentations. Exterior Presentations: The outlook of a store is a major determinant for a customer. Good exterior presentation attracts attention, creates in terest and invites the customer into business. It involves exterior signs, banners and window display. Exterior Signs: A store sign is its â€Å"signature† which tells the customers that what type of the business and what it sells. In less than 10sec the sign must attract attention.Banners: Banners are used to sales promotion. It should be very colorful and eye catching. Window Display: Some products should be placed on a store’s window. Window display should attract attention, create interest and invite people into the store to purchase goods. New displays indicate new up-to-date merchandise is available. Interior Presentations: Another way of the merchandising is through interior display that effectively show merchandise to the customers. The purpose of doing this is to develop interest for the merchandise. It involves color theme and images, lighting, props and fixtures. Researchers found that 64. % of all purchase decision was made inside a store. Three goals of st ore are- 1. Motivate the customers to spend money 2. Protect the image of the store 3. Keep expenses to minimum Color and Lighting: Color in a display can catch eye and make people pause and look. The overall color combination can affect the atmosphere of a store. Lighting is essential in calling attention to merchandise in a display. Customer’s eye is drawn automatically to the brightest area. Props and Fixtures: A display prop is not for sale, it is just used with a product in a display to clarify the function of the product being sold.Merchandise and Fixture Display Recommendations: Goods can be effectively displayed on a variety of fixtures such as tables, cubes, racks and other display cases. Movable shelves from all sides used in self-service retail stores to display merchandise. They can be lined up in stores as grocery or hardware stores. Errors Commonly Occurring in Display: * Too much merchandise * Too little merchandise * Too many props * Poorly selected props * Di splay changed to seldom * Limited or no display budget * Lack of attention to detail

Monday, July 29, 2019


The policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour are such things as being a positive role model, showing respect to one another, praising children and young people, have and organised environment, setting boundaries, intervening calmly when an incident happens to stop the child or young person behaving in an unsafe way. 1. ) The importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting is to make sure every child within the setting is treated fairly for example if one child does something good praise him/her as you would any other child. Vice versa if a child’s behaviour is bad you must intervene calmly and explain what they are doing is wrong, and why it is wrong. All staff must work as part of a team and act with the same procedures to help the children develop knowing what is right and what is wrong. 2 2. 1) The benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour are that by promoting positive behaviour in the nursery they are much more likely to grown up knowing what is right and what is wrong, carrying it up into reception class and so on. Positive behaviour needs to be encouraged as the children need to know when there doing something really good e. . sharing their toys. If a child is constantly told off for negative behaviour, it will damage their overall self-confidence and they’ll begin to thin that everything they do is wrong. 3 3. 2) the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others are things such as biting, this is more common in toddlers as they cannot talk or express their feelings its more difficult to control their emotions, if an older child bites ad continues to do so this should be referred to the ppropriate person. Aggression is also a behaviour problem, aggressive acts such as hitting another child for no reason needs referral. Change of behaviour in a child is another thing that should be referred this could be for a number of reasons such as abuse, any form of abuse could cause a child to change their behaviour, also things like family separation an bereavement and other issues could cause this. All these should be referred to your nursery manager or the person in charge.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CRJS300 U5IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

CRJS300 U5IP - Research Paper Example This case relates to the U.S juvenile justice system. There are legal provisions enshrined in our constitution’s rights in form of Miranda, warning (Nissen, 2007) which bestow some rights to juveniles during their arrest by articulating their rights and privileges. When a child is referred or arrested to the juvenile court system, various processes and procedures take place before the case is determined and heard before the juvenile court. As an attorney specialized in the matters of the juvenile court, I will ensure that I achieve the best possible outcome for Mrs. I’s teenager but by first letting, the due processes of law court take place. A police apprehends the minor: Juvenile court matters come to the courts system when a police officer apprehends a juvenile for violating a school official, guardian, parent, or statute. Given Mrs., I’s minor stole the car; I would recommend the officer to take the minor into custody to avoid mob justice. Intake: The juvenile court’s intake office determines whether further due process is necessary by evaluating the case to determine if there is sufficient evidence to continue with the case, the minor should be sent to a social service agency, or should the case be determined in the juvenile court system. Given the circumstances surrounding the case, evidence for prosecution of the minor is in the public domain, I would thus; recommend for a hearing in court. Detention: If there is insufficient evidence, gathered by the intake officer, the minor may be released to the guardian, parent or detained in a minor correctional center pending the court’s decision (Patterns and Trends in Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice, 2012). However, if the intake person finds the hearing of the case is not necessary, an arrangement can be organized to have minor assisted by mental health facilities, school counselors, or youth service agencies. Since the evidence to

Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls Research Paper

Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls - Research Paper Example According to some sources, it is believed that â€Å"currently the breed of choice for dog fighters, pit bulls are forced to fight, they do not choose to fight.† ( Even Christine Hibbard, CTC, CPDT, reported once that â€Å"No, we do not believe that Pit Bulls are inherently dangerous.† ( There are many reasons of as to why people should be allowed to keep Pit Bulls and there should not be any ban enforced in keeping them as it will not benefit the safety of the society. Firstly, as it is known that this particular breed of dog has a bad reputation because of being aggressive and violent. It totally depends on the owner as how he trains and keeps them. It will be very biased to ban them only on the type of dog. Secondly, the Pit Bulls do not require much grooming as â€Å"Their short coat is very low maintenance and they can be bathed in very little time, not that they need to be bathed often.† (Petfinder) â€Å"Pit Bulls are wonderful animals that deserve a chance to have a good life like any other dog.† (Villalobos Rescue Center) There are reports that more people have faced death by the domestic rats than Pit Bulls. It is a myth that people say Pit Bulls attack more towards the people than any other breed of dog. However, Pit Bulls do not have the strongest of jaws; it is considered as the weakest among all breeds. What makes Pit Bulls as one of the most popular and demanding type of breed is that they are very loyal to their owners. It is said that the man has made a friend for life when he buys and owns a Pit Bull. There is a same response from the dog as well as they love their owners and they do not discriminate between the mankind. But, one of the best reasons, in my opinion is that Pit Bulls do smile provides a metal boost and confidence to their owners. If the owner of Pit

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Personal Leadership Development Strategy Research Paper - 1

Personal Leadership Development Strategy - Research Paper Example The vision of leadership therefore places more attention on the relationship between an individual leader and the groups, while at the same time placing more emphasis on collective development. In these contexts, leadership’s relationship to capacity development is often viewed in three levels: individual, organizational and societal. Of these three main levels, societal leadership development often offers the most sustainable change, but also the most difficult to reach, monitor and by an extension evaluate. This paper analyzes personal leadership development, my current leadership state, weaknesses and strengths and it will take to reach an ideal leadership state. Success does not come on a silver platter. It only comes when you are able to face your challenges obstacles which are associated with being a leader. This process entails having adequate information of your strengths and the weaknesses that are inherent within you. Listed are my weaknesses which have contributed o r hindered my personal leadership growth, skills which I intend to enhance my course at the end of my studies; Being compassionate Hardworking Sociable Action oriented and practical High level of integrity Forgiving Having a high level of personal and social intelligence. Leadership Reviewed When looked from an organizational perspective, leadership is the ability of guiding a group of individuals that are in the organization, and thus involves creating and instituting a very clear vision and outline for an organization (Grohmann & Kauffeld, 2013). In this context, sharing a vision with other people or employees in the company aims at creating a unified platform so that fellow organizational employees can follow the company’s objectives without any compromise, and offering information, and other parameters and methods that are required for the accomplishment of the company’s vision. Additionally, leadership involves the process of organizing and coordinating various pr ogram actions and activities, and other inherent conflicting positions that may derail workers and organizational stakeholders from achieving the desired organizational levels. On the other hand, leadership management involves the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and control both human and non-human resources in an organization so as to achieve the required organizational levels. Management of people in the organization therefore is the art of planning, organizing and coordinating people and resources in the organization without compromising organizational goals and resources (John, 2002). When examined exclusively, management bears certain characteristics that define organizational efficiency and effectiveness: it involves a continuous process that is often in motion; the leader has to undertake certain functions and responsibilities in an ongoing process and allocating resources to ensure that organizational objectives are met without compromising the obje ctives of individual employees in the organization. The modern concept of organizational management views management and leadership as synonymous. In this understanding Neirott & Paolucci (2013) contend that leadership is a result driven process that is multidisciplinary in nature; it is a process that embraces focus in achieving the intended organizational goals and results through working with and by people that have diverse

Friday, July 26, 2019

Islam as a Way of Life in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Islam as a Way of Life in Britain - Essay Example The recent terrorist attacks have even more made them subdued and separated from other communities living in Britain. So an Islamic person's life has to follow more of a dreadful path in the current scenario and some of it is being analyzed here. The research is aimed at portraying the pathos and future prospects of the Muslims in Britain. The research provides a brief history of the religion; development of the religion in Britain; acceptance of British and effects and aftermaths of 7/11 terrorist attacks; the hatred among the British and the role of media and government in fuelling it is described. Finally, the research concludes providing view into the future prospects for Muslims in Britain. Islam emphasizes the unity of God. The religion of Islam imparts idol free worship. The number of people following Islam is increasing. Around 1.5 billion Muslims are believed to exist in this world. People who follow Islam are known as "Muslims". They have their own beliefs and follow Quran and the messengers of god. Prophets are also treated as servants of god. The name Islam is not derived from the name of a person, like other religions. This religion worships Allah and does not worship any other person separately. Allah is believed to be the creator who has created the other things. The main concept of Islam is to be kind towards every human and to be compassionate. Islam was found in the 7th century. Islam has its origin in Arabia. Most of the Muslims reside in the Asia. Muslims belong to countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh. Now they have been moving to almost all the countries and thus considered as the religion that is growing on a fast pace. Islam preaches every human is equal. They are firm that no human should be discriminated. (Joel & Soper 2005) The Holy book Quran encompasses several aspects of human life. It expects one to have the knowledge and must maintain a cordial relationship with fellow beings. As oneness is the mission of Islam, any Muslim is not afraid of any superstitions because they believe Allah is universal and thus he will exist at any place. There are five principles that every Muslim should follow. The first principle says having faith in God and the messengers are the main pillar of Islam. Prayers have to be done daily at five times, which is the second principle. Third law states they should observe fasting for a month, that month is known as "Ramadan". Fourth principle emphasizes on helping the poor and the needy. The last pillar explains that a Muslim must go on a pilgrimage trip to Mecca, which is considered to be the Holy place. (Joel & Soper 2005) Quran is considered as God's revelation. The meaning of Islam is obeying; any person following Islam must obey the principles and abide by them. Islamic policies decide how a Muslim should lead his life and the culture that has to be followed. Islam consists major categories namely, Sunny, Shiite. Mohammed's demise lead to this separation as two sub sects. The differences were regarding the leaders who they trust. People from Sunni; believe God is related with each and every individual. Shiites think there are separate clerics who impart the will of God. Development of Islam in Britain Islam had spread world while from the time of its existence. During the 8th century, Muslims had problems with the Isles of Britain. After this many people from Britain started travelling through the Islamic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Fundamentals of Decision Support Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fundamentals of Decision Support - Essay Example Decisions are required when managers handle a situation with two or more alternative courses of action. To select the right course of action, the manager must analyze all the relevant information available. Information with no monetary figure requires a qualitative decision. Quantitative decisions, like in this scenario, are accompanied by measurable information mostly in financial figures. A quantitative decision problem is made up of six components. Decision problems involving two or more variables are a common occurrence when managing a business. A high number of variables increase the level of complexity of the decision to be made. All variables have to be considered when making such decisions. There are methods used to analyze a decision problem. Common decision problem analysis methods include the simplex method and cost- volume- profit technique. Computer programs have also been developed to aid in the decision-making. The computer decision support software includes DecisionPro and Microsoft Excel (Brandimarte, 2012).  £12 per unit. Product 2 has a profit margin of  £16 per unit. The setup cost for manufacturing facilities required to produce the two products also vary. Product 1 production facility installation cost is  £45000 while for product 2 the setup cost for its production facility is  £76000. The company has two factories capable of producing the two products. The rate of production of the two factories varies. Factory 1 can produce 52 units of product 1 per hour and 38 units of product 2 per hour. Factory 2 can produce 42 units of product 1 per hour and 23 units of product 2 per hour. Factory 1 has 480 hours available for production of the two products. Factory 2 has 720 hours available for production of the two products. The aim of this solution is to optimize the profits the company will derive from producing the two products with the limited resources the company has. The constraints, in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Forensic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Forensic Management - Essay Example He can also create awareness to the employees to be careful in their duties and warn them of malpractices (Griffin & Moorhead, 2012:65). The best alternative to the above is training employees to abide by the code of conduct and report issues that they feel critical and calling for attention. Consequently, this will serve as a source of motivation as workers will be able to distinguish the good from the bad. They will also be in the capacity to express feelings as long as confidentiality prevails. All these values come from unity and value of each other irrespective of his rank in the organization (Goethals, Sorenson, & Burns, 2004:64). Every organizational goal is relatively direct to profit maximization. The key factor of production that prevails among all others is human resource. For the company to achieve all strategies effectively, it should value its labor force for it is the only way to merge it with other factors of production. All human beings adapt to change depending on t he degree they perceive. The management should learn that, employees would accept positive changes and defect to negative ones. Thus, managers should endure on initiating favorable dynamics that suit the needs of their subordinates, as well as the entire organization (Shah, & Gardner, 2008:123). Through motivation refuels, employees’ zeal and they will undertake their obligations in accordance to will of the organization. Managers should understand that appreciation goes along way, and when endeared on, employees will perceive their importance and merge their efforts closer to other factors of production (Griffin, & Moorhead, 2012:60). The main reason that people seek for job opportunities is to cater for their... The author of the essay "Forensic management" assumes that motivation is the process of influencing a person to perform a given task either by use of a positive measure or a negative one. In management, motivation plays the most crucial role as it affects performance of the set goals. Giving employees more than just financial incentives, will similarly improve their performance and the outcome is that the company will achieve its objectives. Therefore, the importance of motivation is to enable workers sense that they are part of the organization. Managers should engage in motivation as it eases unnecessary fears amongst the employees. Statistics reveal that workers perform poorly under oppression as compared to when motivated. Forensic is the scientific study of observing and establishing any criminal activities at a given scene. In management practices, forensic study refers to the observation of any unethical trends that in jure organizational performance. A manager will then be ab le to come with structural objectives that will enable the company learn and counter malpractices at their early stages. Motivation comprises mainly of all assets that push an individual to perform a duty. It can either occur by will or force depending on the situation. However, business’ approach to motivation reveals that, it is best when it applies positively to the employees. Hence, no matter how a manager may feel uncomfortable to work with other people, he must exercise motivation for the purpose of the organization.

My Mother, My Hero Essay Example for Free

My Mother, My Hero Essay When I was about ten years old, I watched an episode of Sesame Street that provided valuable lesson about who mothers are to their children. I would like to start this narrative with that story. A little girl got lost in the park and was crying hysterically. She caught the attention of a security officer nearby. The officer approached the child and tried to calm her. He asked her who she was with and the child said she was with her mother. They were crossing the street and there were so many people. She got confused and she thought she was following her mother but later found out that it was another woman. The child continued to cry remembering her mother who would be worried by then. The officer asked the little girl to describe her mother. She said her mother is â€Å"the most wonderful woman in the whole world†. So the security officer looked for the beautiful women and presented them to her, but the child kept crying and insisted that her mother is â€Å"the most wonderful woman in the whole world†. After many attempts to find a beautiful lady fitting the child’s description, a plump, old woman who looked very worried rushed to the child and embraced her tight. The child was so happy and told the officer that the lady is her mother. The child, relieved to be in her mother’s arms again, said to the officer, â€Å"This is my mother; she is the most wonderful woman in the whole world†. It was only then that the officer realized what the child meant. When a woman finds herself pregnant, she is transformed into a selfless individual, one who would put the child’s interest first above her own. It is like bearing a child fulfills her womanhood and in her child’s eyes, she literally is the most wonderful woman. Some women had to stop working because they need to personally take care of their babies. Some had to change their lifestyle to favor the needs of the child. Some had to find a new place that is ideal for the child to grow up. Some women simply do not dream of anything else but to be good mothers to their children. To bring the child in one’s womb for nine months is a lot of sacrifice. To feed the baby from one’s breast until the baby is old enough is a lot more sacrifice. To care, protect and guide the baby until he grows and becomes an adult is a lifetime sacrifice for a mother. Mothers are heroes and the world is lucky to have them. So is my mother and she is my hero. I may not be able to remember all the wonderful things my mother has done to me; it could make a long list and keep adding to it for as long as we both live. If ever I was not conscious of how she brought me in her womb for nine long enduring months, I could have certainly felt it and carried the feeling with me as I grew up. I was told that I was a perfectly healthy baby when I was born. My family especially my mother was so proud of me. She probably did not realize that if I was born good looking and very healthy, it was because she took care of her own health and successfully nurtured me in her own body. I breathed in her breath, I ate what she ate and I lived in her; we were literally one during the most crucial time of my life. Aside from making it happen, she paved the way for me to grow in her healthily and safely. Like many perfectly healthy children, I was told that I was breastfed for two years. My memory does not help me enough to make me remember how it felt to be breastfed by my mother. But as I look at her now, I see a beautiful woman who was so blessed to provide the nutrition to keep her baby alive. Every drop of milk that I took from her was a result of all her efforts to keep herself clean and nutritious. She must have eaten plenty of vegetables and avoided dirty food. She must have taken vitamins that would give her milk the nutrients that my body would need. She must have sacrificed being awake when I was hungry and set aside what she was doing whenever I cried and asked for food. I would have been so gratifying if I could remember how it was; being carried by my mother and making me feed from her breast. Simply knowing it makes me feel the intensity of her love, and I treasure this knowledge. I am happy to remember instances when my mother brought me to the grocery store and bought me some candy bars and chocolates. I felt my eyes feast on the colors that I saw at the store. The feeling of security that I was with my mother added to the enjoyment I had. The feeling was like that most of the time. I felt that with my mother, I am safe. Nothing wrong can happen to me and she will give me everything. I did not have to ask, she knew when I needed something. When she bought me candy bars and chocolates in the grocery store made me very happy. But it was not just the candy bars and chocolates, or the trip at the grocery store that made me feel so good, it was because they were given by my mother. Since my childhood, simply looking at my mother sent me good feelings. There was a time when I was running in a building, I don’t remember where it was, but it was a building with stairs and I was running recklessly. My mother was right behind me but I somehow made a wrong step and fell about three or four steps on the stairs going down. My immediate reaction was shock. I then felt a mixture of pain in my body and embarrassment because I attracted the attention of the other children playing there. It was instinct that I looked for my mother and looked at her eyes. She was rushing towards me to give me the comfort that I needed. I remember crying and embracing my mother, asking her to caress me and tell me that everything was alright. It was also the comfort that assures me that it is not that embarrassing and nobody will laugh at me. That alone made me feel better and I knew that my mother was the best person who could do that for me. She was really my hero. I may be older now and stronger. I have learned many lessons in life as I gained experiences with all my mother’s love and guidance. She may not be physically present, following me in all my activities, but she continues to be my guardian. Whatever I have become is owed much to my mother. For my mother, she may not have been conscious of the magnitude of the sacrifices she has made, just for me. Because every time she did something for me, her eyes would glow and I knew that she has always been so happy to do those things for me. I guess it is the magic of a mother’s love that makes a child whole. She is my hero and I will be grateful to her for being my mother for the rest of my life.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Paralleles of Cosi and Cosi Fan Tutte Essay Example for Free

Paralleles of Cosi and Cosi Fan Tutte Essay Cosi by Louis Nowra and Cosi Fan Tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are set in completely different times but both themes of the play parallel each other. Cosi was set in 1970’s society whilst Cosi Fan Tutte was set in 1790. Cosi Fan Tutte is play about love and fidelity which parallels with what happens in Cosi. On the surface they are parallel because Lucy is unfaithful to Lewis when they are in a relationship together just as the women were in Cosi Fan Tutte. But it is much more than that. To really understand the parallels of the plays we must look at love and fidelity in depth. What really is love? What is demonstrated throughout both plays is that people have double standards towards love. In the Cosi we see free love and characters that believe in free love such as Lucy, Nick and Doug. Free love is the belief of having sexual relations according to choice, without being restricted by marriage or long-term relationships. They believe in freedom in doing whatever you want but this is the complete opposite of how they treat the mentally ill. They treat them with not dignity that makes them restricted to being behind walls of an asylum. Free love is about freedom yet they are confined to their ward like traditional marriage because people fear them. This is not the definition of love. Louis Nowra wants us to love each other and not stereotyping people by giving labels to people that we fear but instead showing respect and compassion. That is what true love is. In Cosi Fan Tutte we see two men test the love and fidelity of their girlfriends. This displays the double standards that men have on love. They believe that is alright to for them to test love. Mozart tells us that love needs to be equal that one side can’t unfaithful and that is alright. Mozart is trying to make us question what love is, like Louis Nowra did in Cosi. For there to be love, it must be equal and this is the key theme from bo th plays.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

International Expansion Strategy of McDonalds

International Expansion Strategy of McDonalds Globalization has made the globe considerably smaller. States lines have turned into practically a divider separating certain regions of a massive unitary community. Businesses are the one that are highly affected by this occurrence. The virtual closeness of states has made trade and commerce an international event. Together with these advances, the key standards of business are similarly taken into account. The discussions in this paper shall involve an analysis of the international expansion strategy utilized by a multinational company. In this case, the situation surrounding McDonalds will be taken into consideration. The following annotations and propositions employed in the following discussions are to be supported by claims on journals and academic pieces that address international expansion strategies and international marketing theories. II.BACKGROUND The modest beginnings of McDonalds in Illinois turned out to be among the main brand names in the international scene. It has been synonymous to what is widely-accepted the fast-food concept. The company operates over thirty one thousand stores all over the world to date. It was one of the first to perfect the concept of fast service in the food industry in its early days of operations in 1955. Given that the products of the company are mainly western in character, its operations has also expanded to the Asian region. The first McDonalds store operated in Hong Kong in 1975. The first shop operated at Paterson Street in Causeway Bay. Up to this data, the functions of McDonalds in Hong Kong covers over two hundred restaurant chains spread in the whole of Hong Kong alone. In the rest of the globe, it operates thousands of store franchises that functions autonomously. III.PESTLE ANALYSIS Pestle is an analysis of the external macro environment in which a business operates. According to (2008), pestle stands for political, economic, social, technology, and environmental factors. A. Political Factors The international operations of McDonalds are highly influenced by the individual state policies enforced by each government. (2001, 705) For instance, there are certain groups in Europe and the United States that clamor for state actions pertaining to the health implications of eating fast food. (2005) They have indicated that harmful elements like cholesterol and adverse effects like obesity are attributable to consuming fast food products. On the other hand, the company is controlled by the individual policies and regulations of operations. Specific markets focus on different areas of concern such as that of health, worker protection, and environment. All these elements are seen in the government control of the licensing of the restaurants in the respective states. For instance, there is an impending legal dispute in the McDonalds franchise in India where certain infringement of rights and violation of religious laws pertaining to the contents of the food. The existence of meat in their menus in India is apparently offensive to the Hindu religion in the said market. There are also other studies that points to the infringement of McDonalds Stores with reference to the existing employment laws in the target market. Like any business venture, these McDonalds stores have to contend with the issues of employment procedures as well as their tax obligations so as to succeed in the foreign market. B. Economic Factors Organisations in the fast food industry are not excused from any disputes and troubles. Specifically, they do have their individual concerns involving economic factors. Branches and franchises of fast food chains like McDonalds has the tendency to experience hardship in instances where the economy of the respective states is hit by inflation and changes in the exchange rates. The customers consequently are faced with a stalemate of going over their individual budgets whether or not they should use up more on these foreign fast food chains. (2004) Hence, these chains may have to put up with the issues of the effects of the economic environment. Particularly, their problem depends on the response of the consumers on these fundamentals and how it could influence their general sales. In regarding the operations of the company, food chains like McDonalds tend to import much of their raw materials into a specific territory if there is a dearth of supply. Exchange rate fluctuations will als o play a significant role in the operations of the company. As stated in the paragraph above, McDonald stores have to take a great deal of consideration with reference to their microenvironment. The companys international supply as well as the existing exchange rates is merely a part of the overall components needed to guarantee success for the foreign operations of McDonalds. Moreover, it is imperative that the company be cognizant of the existing tax requirements needed by the individual governments on which they operate. This basically ensures the smooth operations of the McDonalds franchises. In the same regard, the company will also have to consider the economic standing of the state on which they operate on. The rate at which the economy of that particular state grows determines the purchasing power of the consumers in that country. Hence, if a franchise operates in a particularly economically weak state, hence their products shall cost higher than the other existing products in the market, then these franchises must take on certain adj ustments to maintain the economies of scale. C. Socio-Cultural Factors Articles on the international strategies of McDonalds seem to function on several fields to guarantee lucrative returns for the organisation. To illustrate, the organisation improves on establishing a positive mind-set from their core consumers. McDonalds indulge a particular variety of consumers with definite types of personalities. ( 1994) It has also been noted that the company have given the markets such as the United Kingdom, an option with regards to their dining needs. (2005) pointed out that McDonalds has launched a sensibly valued set of food that tenders a reliable level of quality for the respective market where it operates. Additionally, those who are aged just below the bracket of thirty-five are said to be the most frequent consumers of McDonalds franchises. ( 2005) The multifaceted character of business nowadays is reflected in the harsh significance of the information on the subject of the existing market. This procedure is essentially identified in the field as market research. (1997) Information with regards to the appeal and potential fields of the market would double as obstructions to the success of the company if this area of the operations is neglected. In the case of McDonalds they establish a good system in determining the needs of the market. The company uses concepts of consumer behaviour product personality and purchasing decisions to its advantage. ( 1998) It is said to have a major influence on the understanding of the prospective performance of the organisation in a particular market. (2000) D.Technological Factors McDonalds generates a demand for their own products. (2006) The companys key tool for marketing is by means of television advertisements. There are similarly some claims that McDonalds are inclined to interest the younger populations more. The existence of play spots as well as toys in meals offered by the company shows this actuality. ( 1995) Other demonstration of such a marketing strategy is apparent in the commercials of they use. They employ animated depictions of their characters like Grimace and Hamburglar. Other advertising operations employ popular celebrities to promote their products. The like has become endorsers for McDonalds worldwide loving it campaign. Moreover, the operations of McDonalds have significantly been infused with new technology. Elements like the inventory system and the management of the value chain of the company allows for easy payments for their suppliers and other vendors which the individual stores in respective markets deal with. The integration of technology in the operations of McDonalds tend to add value to their products. Basically, this is manifested in the improvements on its value chain. The improvement of the inventory system as well as its supply chain allows the company to operate in an international context. E. Legal Factors There has been the recurrent bellowing in opposition to the fast food industry. This has similarly made McDonalds apply a more careful consideration on their corporate social responsibilities. On the whole, this addressed the need of the company to form its corporate reputation to a more positive one and a more socially responsible company. ( 2005) The reputation of McDonalds is apparently a huge matter. Seen on the website of the company, it seems that they have acquired strides to take in hand the key social censures that they have been berating them in the past decades. The company has provided their customers the relevant data that they need with reference to the nutritional substances of their products. This is to attend to the arguments of obesity charged against the products of the company. In the same way, the consumers provided freedom in choosing whether or not they want to purchase their meals. This is tied up with the socio-cultural attributes of the market on which they operate. For instance, operations in predominantly Muslim countries require their meat to conform to theHalalrequirements of the law. In the same regard, those that operate in countries in the European Union should conform to the existing laws banning the use of genetically modified meat products in their food. Other legal concepts like tax obligations, employment standards, and quality requirements are only a few of important elements on which the company has to take into consideration. Otherwise, smooth operations shall be hard to achieve. F. Environment The social responsibilities of McDonalds on the state are influential to the operations of the company. These entail accusations of environmental damage. Among the reasons why they are charged with such claims is the employ of non-biodegradable substances for their drinks glasses and Styrofoam coffers for the meals. (1997) Several civic groups in Hong Kong have made actions to make the McDonalds franchises in Hong Kong aware of the rather copious use of Styrofoam containers and the resultant abuse of the environment. (1997) further indicated that in 1995, McDonalds Hong Kong went over the Styrofoam used by both Australia and the United States combined. IV. CONCLUSION Debatably, the most significant contribution of this generation is the combination of globalization and internationalization in the businesses sector. Developments in the international setting have an effect on the more particular factors in the operations in individual organisations. Alterations could take placer and require intense modifications to the operations such that it could have an adverse effect on the entire structure of the company. However, as indicated in the arguments and comments in this paper, this could be acquired by setting a certain level of flexibility in the organisation. This level of flexibility is basically acquired through the acquaintance of both the internal and external environment of the company. Even though McDonalds may have been deemed as demigod in the fast food business in the international scene, what it preserves as revealed in its processes is the need for flexibility. The slight changes that take place in the market have an effect on the operations of the business in any case. This denotes that having the information on the effects of these alterations swiftly provides these fast food industry giants to take fine-tuning actions on their acts and still preserve their market position. As implied in the introduction of this paper, the markets of nowadays manifest a cutthroat rivalry with the individual competitors, recognized brands or otherwise. Hence, any business in spite of the muscle of the brand name or the size of its reserves could not afford any failures in their individual markets

Saturday, July 20, 2019

De La Guarda Villa Villa :: essays research papers

Is it a musical? A play? It’s more like a Circus!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On March 1, 2001, I had the great opportunity to see a very unique Off-Broadway variety show named De La Guarda, written, directed, and designed by Pichon Baldinu and Diqui James. The theatre presenting this show is the Daryl Roth Theatre, which is located at 20 Union Square East, just a few blocks from Baruch College. There were many interesting moments in the show that one would be definitely surprised if he had no prior knowledge about the show. What makes this show the most interesting is that it is not traditional theatre whatsoever. Everything is changed, including the area where it is performed. There is no real plot, but there are many artistic scenes throughout the show. Although there is no real plot, the performers present a wide range of emotions from one part of the show to the next that makes the audience members crave for the next emotion. It is a definite attention getter and everything including in the show, such as props and the performers themse lves, makes the audience a part of the show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the moment an audience member enters the theatre, he is welcomed with refreshments and waits in the basement until an usher calls the audience to come upstairs to the main performance area. Since the tickets purchased for the show say â€Å"General Admission,† there are no assigned seats and the audience is left standing in a large dark square room, with four black walls and a white ceiling. The once empty room becomes filled with people waiting for the show to begin. Ushers remain in the room to guide the audience to move from one area to the next because the performers may need room to perform later in the show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At 8pm, the show begins from the ceiling. Shadows of flying people grace the stage above. The directors’ attempt to make the mood as serene as possible is established through the music and the props. There is a dreamlike music playing that puts the audience in a peaceful mood. Raindrops slowly hit the white paper ceiling and little balls, that seem to be magnetic, are placed by the floating people above. The little balls move all in different directions and finally stop forming a big mass of balls. Little props, such as little horses and dinosaurs, are placed on the white paper and the performers play with them to make the audience amused.

The Difficult Journey in Kate Chopin’s short stories, At Cheniere Caminada and Athenaise :: compare and contrast essay examples

The Difficult Journey in Kate Chopin’s short stories, At Cheniere Caminada and Athenaise Kate Chopin’s short stories, â€Å"At Cheniere Caminada† and â€Å"Athenaise,† present the tales of two innocents, Tonie and Athenaise, taking a journey. They must leave their homes and wander into foreign lands before returning with a greater understanding of themselves and life. The structure, setting, and images of these two stories symbolize the seeming transformation of the characters. In structure, the two stories follow a journey motif. In â€Å"At Cheniere Caminada,† Tonie begins at home and then travels to Grand Isle then New Orleans before returning to Cheniere Caminada. He cannot return to his home until he has come to terms with the questions that have risen in his life. For Athenaise, her journey also takes her from her married home. The story opens with her at her parent’s home. She is forced to return to Cazeau’s house, but because she does not have the answers to her questions, she cannot stay there. She runs away to New Orleans and only comes back to Cazeau when she finds her answers. Paralleling the journey of these two is the contrast of city and country. Tonie and Athenaise both live in the country, a place traditionally associated with innocence, a lack of knowledge. In the beginning of both stories, Tonie and Athenaise lack an understanding of love and sexuality. Tonie â€Å"had no desire to inflame the hearts of any of the island maidens† (Cheniere 1). In Part II, the narrator tells the reader that Tonie had â€Å"never felt those premonitory symptoms of love which afflict the greater portion of mankind before they reach the age which he had attained (2). Since the object of his affection, Claire, does not live on Cheniere Caminada, Tonie must travel to Grand Isle to be near her. After he misses the chance to take her as his own when they are alone on his boat (4), he leaves Grand Isle, and we next see him in New Orleans, even farther from his home. Only after he hears the news of Claire’s death can he return to Cheniere Cami nada because this represents the end of his quest.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Air Pollution :: essays research papers

Air Pollution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Air, is the most essential element for all living organisms and yet, most humans play a big role on polluting this essential resource. Air pollution may not be as dangerous in its direct outcome as nuclear or water pollution can be, but in the long term it will have an tremendous effect on the environment and health of its organisms living in. Asthma, cancer, acid rain, and the disability to photosynthesize are only a few causes of air pollution.The atmospheric pollutants with the greatest effect onto the environment are the carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust particles, radioactive isotopes, and chlorofluorocarbons. The major sources that enable carbon monoxide to enter the atmosphere are the exhausts of cars, the burning of fossil fuels, and the oxidation of natural methane. Carbon dioxide is caused by the consumption of fossil fuels only and it causes the possible greenhouse effect which has global warming as an outcome. Hydrocarbons are caused by the combustion of oil and petrol and it effects the environment with carcinogen. Carcinogen is a chemical agent that causes cancer. Sulphur dioxide is certainly one of the major atmospheric pollutants considered that it causes stinging eyes, lung damage, asthma, and acid rain. It is the result of coal-fired power stations. Nitrogen oxides that is produced by the exhaust of cars, causes pneumonia and asphyxia. The outcome of the well known dust particles is often underestimated. It is caused by industrial chimneys, car exhaust, and volcanic eruptions and it effects the environment by toxic effects and damage of the lungs. Radioactive isotopes which are caused by small quantities from nuclear waste and nuclear accidents have an carcinogenic effect on the environment as well. The outcome of chlorfluorocarbons, which had been first discovered in the 80s is that it destroys the ozone layer. Many of those major atmospheric pollutants combined produce th e dangerous and well known smoke and gas emission called smog. Smog or dust dome is most often formed when a layer of cool air is trapped beneath a layer of still warmer air. The mixture of benzopyrene ( a cancer causing substance that is produced by the evaporation of petrol), the waste of hydrocarbons, combined with nitrogen dioxide, oxygen, and sunlight produce the photochemical smog which can be recognized as the yellow cloud over every big city in the world. Besides that optical effect it causes an increase of ozone in the lower atmosphere and the health conditions of the particular organism living in such an area.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jeffrey Smart

JEFFREY SMART ESSAY An Iconic and well-known Australian artist, born in Adelaide in 1921 and moved permanently to Italy in 1963, often found using his work to depict industrial urban landscapes, he is Jeffrey Smart. Smart’s work has been part of Australian culture for more than half a century, he is Australia’s master of the urban vision; seeing beauty in the landscapes of modernism, his works feature industrial wastelands and concrete streetscapes he pays close attention to clean lines, composition and geometry.This essay will critically analyse Jeffrey Smart’s painting ‘Autobahn in the Black Forest 1’ which was created in 1979/80 using oil on canvas, it measures 100 x 65cm in size. Smart's work is influenced by urban landscapes, an example of one of his works is ‘Autobahn in the Black Forest 1’ this piece is an example of many influenced by urban landscapes. On the right hand side of the painting it shows a series of road barriers on a road going off into the distance, they are painted red and white diagonally.The first barrier seen has a vertical pole attached with a rust texture, added is a shadow on the right side of the pole to make the painting more realistic. The left hand side shows a road, painted onto the road are yellow lines; these lines get more vibrant into the distance. The sky is dark though gets brighter into the distance of the painting. Forest trees are surrounding the road. The main shapes used are rectangles.The lower right of the painting has a signature ‘Jeffrey Smart’. Many of Smart’s paintings are focused on the element of shape. In this painting he uses simple rectangles; he has painted the road lines dark yellow which gets more vibrant into the distance of the painting. There is an obvious repetition shown in the painting, the road barriers, these barriers are also coloured brightly. Smart admits that it's a painstaking process for him â€Å"getting the right shapes in the right place. The gloomy sky seen in the painting is used in many of Smart’s paintings, and when asked why his skies are always so gloomy and smog-laden, Smart replied with, â€Å"I need a dark sky for the composition, because the pale blue at the top of the frame loses nothing. â€Å"I work on the basis that †¦ our eyes go from left to right, left to right, left to right, always. So I always have something for the eye to start with on the left there, brings it across, and then something to bring it back again†. These dark, gloomy skies re found in most of his paintings, including â€Å"Autobahn in the black forest 1†. â€Å"Although Smart agrees composition is central to his paintings, he says the play of light and shadow is equally important, along with stillness and silence† The elements Smart has used and evident in this piece are colour, repetition, space and shape. Smart chooses his art to portray scenes of modern architecture. Since chi ldhood, where his first ambition was to be an architect, he has harboured a fascination for the subject.Which he finds exciting and beautiful, and he has based his style around the strong, simple, geometric shapes and lines that can be seen in them. He strives in his artwork to achieve the perfect composition of shape, balance, colour and light and what he calls the â€Å"fundamental aesthetic principal† of absolute stillness in his paintings. Smart's environment has been his most important influence; he spent his early years discovering the back lanes of the city's inner suburbs. Street signs, apartment blocks and construction sites then had become his subject matter.It was in Italy that the colours, shapes and designs of a country rebuilding itself after World War Two inspired Smart. And in 1965, he moved to Italy and bought the house where he has still resided for about 40 years. Smart decided early on in his career what he wanted to work with â€Å"My attraction to urban life, factories, trucks and vacant lots came in my early 20s when I decided that I had painted my last billabong scene forever. † Travelling to Europe and Italy in particular allowed Smart to experience and study works at first hand.One reason for Smart to buy a property and establish a studio near Arezzo was that the Church of San Francesco in that city contained the great fresco ‘cycle the legend of the true cross’ by the Quattrocento artist, a work which has continued to inspire Smart throughout his life. Jeffrey Smart is without doubt one of the most outstanding Australian painters of the modern age. â€Å"I like living in the 20th century — to me the world has never been more beautiful. I am trying to paint the real world I live in, as beautifully as I can, with my own eye†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Global Business Strategies Essay

melt down r abolisheringThe managers perspective in the fields of demesne(prenominal) payments, inter subject apportion, and coronation be analyzed. Emphasis is given to the materials and concepts that f wholly the strategies, structure, practices, and doing of multinational enterprises.PoliciesFaculty and students/learners go out be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained inside the followers two documentsUniversity policies You mustinessiness be logged into the student website to view this document. t each(prenominal)er policies This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.University policies atomic number 18 subject to change. Be real to read the policies at the beginning of each peak. Policies may be slightly distinct dep eat uping on the modality in which you catch class. If you come recently changed modalities, read the policies administration your current class modality.Course MaterialsHill, C. W. (2009). mul tinationalist subscriber line. Competing in the spheric commercialiseplaceplaceplace (7th ed.). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill.All electronic materials are easy on the student website. travel calendar calendar hebdomad hotshot Contemporary orbicular technical enterprise purlieu enlargeimputablePointsObjectives1.1 do planetaryization.1.2 list the major(ip) drivers of planetaryization.1.3 explain just about do of globoseization.1.4 Compare and contrast the quality of economical integration in promoting globose condescension. 1.5 need-to doe with the storey of economic development of an economically incorporate constituent to potential commerce opportunities. sound outings allege Ch. 1 of international lineage. consume Ch. 2 of internationalist line of reasoning. rent Ch. 3 of international byplay. analyse Ch. 5 of outside(a) Business. analyze this workweeks electronic shyness orderings. count the calendar week ace Read Me First. exp peerlessntiat ion component participate in class discussion.1Individual workweek One examinePost week one quiz.1Individual ball-shapedisation Questionnaire tack a comprehensive solvent to the following questions in 350 words.What is orbiculateization, and what are some of the traditional international deal out theories that check the concept of orbiculateization?List the major drivers of globalization and take into account triad examples of each. exempt at to the lowest degree four effects of globalization that affect your community and your validation.10 workweek 2 globular Business Strategy Formulation expoundDuePointsObjectives22.1 cope a air risk analytic thinking.2.2 shoot an take into account trend of gate for global growths or operates.ReadingsRead Ch. 6 of transnational Business.Read Ch. 7 of International Business.Read Ch. 8 of International Business.Review this weeks electronic Reserve Readings.Read the hebdomad two Read Me First.ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.1Individual calendar week 2 provePost week two quiz.1 development police squad Instructions subscribe to a earth and product to focus your cumulative planetary Business Plan larn team up project. The deliverables for the project let in the following Learning Team assignmentsWeek Two wide analytic thinking Outline and showWeek trine earth Risk and strategic Planning synopsis Paper Week five dollar bill Final Global Business Plan and PresentationIndividualregional Integration for and Against ArticlesSelect a region approved by your instructor and involve a trading bloc (NAFTA, EU, ASEAN, etc.) within that region. Write two 350- to 500-word holds, one article in favor of regional integration and another(prenominal) article against regional integration. make out the advantages and disadvantages of regional integration and relate the stage of economic development of the economically integrated region to potential backing opportunities.10Learning TeamComprehensive psycho abstract Outline and PresentationSelect a product and a awkward for a global patronage venture. Conduct a regional, plain, and product analyses for your immature global venture. direct a 1,050- to 1,400-word outline and a 5- to 7-slide abridgment presentation illustrating the followingRegion outlineRegional confederations and economic integration personal environs and its affect on patronagePolitical stability scotch conditionsfinance options availableSocial, health, and environmental conditionsTerrorism threats awkward AnalysisPolitical stabilityEconomic conditionsFinance options availablePhysical environment and its affect on tradeSocial, health, and environmental conditionsCultural contractationsOrganization and product or service abbreviationDescription of your plaqueProduct needs assessment of the mug awkwardDescription of product to gratify the need formatting your written reputation ordered with APA guideline s.5Week 3 Strategic Implementation Global Business OperationsDetailsDuePointsObjectives33.1 depict the legal, cultural, and honorable challenges that confront global businesses. 3.2 qualify the diverse roles that waiter governments lead in global business operations.ReadingsRead Ch. 12 of International Business.Read Ch. 14 of International Business.Read Ch. 15 of International Business.Read Ch. 17 of International Business.Review this weeks electronic Reserve Readings.Read the Week deuce-ace Read Me First.ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.1IndividualWeek Three QuizPost week three quiz.1Learning TeamCountry Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper school a 1,400- to 2,100-word account in which you conduct a orbit risk analysis for your selected global business venture. Analyze the following risks in your write upPolitical, legal, and regulatory risksExchange and repatriation of funds risks hawkish risk assessmentTaxation and parallel taxation risksMarket risk s (four Ps)Distri notwithstandingion and tot filament risksPhysical and environmental challenges to immersion and operating in a manoeuver market Social and cultural risksCyber or technologyDescribe how you would manage these risks tote up your strategic planning process type luck and clarify mission and objectivesSWOTT analysis of signal countryMake strategy woofSelect and justify an distract dash of entry for your global product or service Control and evaluation organize contingency planFormat your news report consistent with APA guidelines.10Week quadruplet Strategy Implementation Finance and merchandising in Global BusinessDetailsDuePointsObjectives44.1 Analyze global financing and mass meeting rate mechanisms.4.2 post multilateral and regional financial institutions that dish up foster global business. 4.3 Identify various methods of financing global operations. 4.4 Identify primaeval foreign exchange risks and techniques to mitigate risk. 4.5 Conduct a global ma rketing analysis for a product or service.ReadingsRead Ch. 9 of International Business.Read Ch. 11 of International Business.Read Ch. 16 of International Business.Read Ch. 18 of International Business.Read Ch. 20 of International Business.Review this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings.Read the Week Four Read Me First.ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.1IndividualWeek Four QuizPost week four quiz.1IndividualCase StudySelect one of the following cases from the International Business TextbookNike The Sweatshop Debate at the end of Part 2Google in chinaware at the end of Chapter 4Boeing versus Airbus Two Decades of Trade Disputes at the end of Part 3 (Video is not required to fat this case.) The Russian Ruble Crisis and Its Aftermath at the end of Part 4 Molex at the end of Part 6Merrill lynch in Japan at the end of Part 6Write a 500- to 750-word paper in which you address the following nationalsDescribe the legal, cultural, and ethical challenges that confront the global bus iness presented in your selected case study. Determine the various roles that host governments played in this particular global business operation. reiterate the strategic and operational challenges facing global managers illustrated in your selected case.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.15Week Five ever-changing Environment of Global BusinessDetailsDuePointsObjectives55.1 Identify appropriate business strategies based on business risk analysis. 5.2 Determine appropriate leave alone strategies for a global institution.ReadingsRead Ch. 4 of International Business.Read Ch. 13 of International Business.Review this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings.Read the Week Five Read Me First.ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.1IndividualWeek Five QuizPost week five quiz.1IndividualGlobal finance and Exchange Rate MechanismsChoose one of the following topics. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you analyze one of the following global financing and exchange ra te topicsPurchasing power resemblance and the Big Mac index cash hedgingHard and soft currenciesCountertradeFinancing via letters of credit and EXIM Bank and commercial banks Tariff and nontariff barriersRoles of international financial institutions (e.g. IMF, innovation Bank, ADB, etc.) Euro currency marketsDefine your selected topic.Explain how your topic is practised in global financing operations and describe its importance in managing risks.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.15IndividualFinal ExaminationPrepare to take a last(a) exam.10Learning TeamFinal Global Business Plan Paper and PresentationPrepare a 7,000- to 8,750-word paper integrating your previous Learning Team assignments to include the following new material summarise your findings from previous Learning Team assignments. allow the rationale for selecting your target country. Refer to your Learning Team Country Risk Analysis for highlights.Determine the marketing mix item to your selected global product or service and explain your filling of marketing mix. Prepare a marketing plan that addresses product modification, pricing, promotional programs, distri exception channels, and e-business in your chosen country. Include market indicators and trends for your product or service.Prepare a financial overview for your global venture. Include a chart that represents the public budget for your global venture. Explain how your go with deals with foreign exchange risk for your global operation.Identify potential interior(prenominal) and international sources of financing for your global venture. Include at least two practicable financial institutions within your chosen region.Describe the degree to which your organization operates as a centralised versus decentralized organization. Include a chain of command chart to illustrate how communication theory would reach senior prudence from the field when events necessitate changes in tactics or strategy.What types of exit strate gies would be most appropriate for your global venture? Some strategies to consider include divestiture of assets, handing over to a mutual venture partner, diversification, shutting down operation, and contingencies for your global venture.Based on your findings, make final advocateations about the feasibility of this global venture. Would you recommend proceeding with this global venture? Explain why or why not.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.15Week One Quiz QuestionsWhat technological advances in telecommunications and cargo ships have influenced global business in the last decade? How have these technological advances affected regional economic development? What trends may be expect in these areas? Would globalization have been possible without these technological advances?Discuss how culture, language, and religion competency influence the costs of doing business in a particular country. stand up your asseveration with examples.Discuss the following theor y The study of global business is relevant if you work or plan to work in a large multinational troupe, but it has little or no consequence for individuals who work in smaller national firms. Do you agree or disaccord? Defend your argument with at least two supporting statements.Week Two Quiz QuestionsWhat is country risk analysis? How is this analysis conducted? Is country risk analysis an effective tool in learn the desirability of establishing a manufacturing site or other mode of entry?Define a trade deficit and a trade surplus. What are the implications of a long trade deficit or trade surplus? What techniques are available to square up balance of payment deficit or surplus?Does free trade get even to fair trade? Does free trade exist anywhere in the world? Respond to the questions and support your retorts with examples.Week Three Quiz QuestionsWhat is the current status of the telecommunications, energy, and transportation infrastructures of the worlds fastest evolutio n countries? What effect does importing advanced technology, such(prenominal) as wireless technologies, into a develop country have on that countrys telecommunications, energy, and transportation infrastructures? How do these changes in infrastructure and technology alter business productivity? What are some issues and trends in global sociocultural issues? Why must a caller-up be sharp to the sociocultural environment within the host country? What affect does sociocultural aesthesia have on a companys operations or sales within a host country?What are the major staffing policies that global organizations must consider? How must an organization prefer among these staffing policies? How do you assess the effect of implementing a specific staffing policy?What are the primary feather functions of the foreign-exchange market? Who are the participants in the market? How do global companies use the foreign-exchange market to hedge against foreign-exchange risks?Felix, a U.S. techno logy company has recently developed a revolutionist wireless phone. The product offers exciting new features along with all of the features of current products, but at a fraction of the manufacturing costs. As the international business manager of Felix, you have been asked to choose the best mode of entry into the European market. Your have the following options export your product from the United States.Enter into an alliance with a large European company. occasion the product in the United States and set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Europe. License a European firm to manufacture and market the phone in Europe.In supplying for your choice, list the pros and cons of each method of entry. Which choice do you present to your CEO? weather your decision.Can any product or service be marketed globally? If it sells in the United States, does it sell in another country? Explain why or why not. Can a product be marketed in the same sort in multiple countries? Defend your answer wit h examples. How world power you relate the four Ps of marketing to customer relations management (CRM) in a global business environment?Week Four Quiz QuestionsWhat are the elements of capital budgeting? How do you determine these elements in the global business domain? Provide examples of how you would use capital budgeting analysis to determine the desirability of global projects.What are the international and regional institutions that comprise the global monetary and financial system? What role do these institutions play inpromoting global business operations? downstairs what conditions is it let out to borrow funds from a domestic bank? When might it be needed to borrow from a target country financial institution? Explain your answer.When would a firm choose to operate on a transnational basis? Under what circumstances would a firm use a localization strategy? When would an international strategy be employed? Support your answers with examples.Week Five Quiz QuestionsDescri be one exit strategy an organization may use when things go ill-treat in a foreign country. What are some of the issues that might prompt the effectuation of an exit strategy? Summarize the effect of an exit strategy on the strategic planning for a global organization?Name the factors that may contribute to the global business adversity of an organization? How might a global organization nurse itself against a global business failure? Are US ethical standards relevant worldwide? Explain your answer and provide examples. What are the consequences of failure to incorporate ethical considerations into global planning.

Psychoanalysis on Great Gatsby Essay

The unconscious is important in find behaviour. A lot of desires, motivations & conflicts atomic number 18 below the train of consciousness. People are driven by animalistic, instinctual urges, particularly lust and aggression Tom choices in his purport prove that hes is driven by lust & aggression& like an animal on cares for his survival. Gatsby is a bootlegger because he was unhappy nearly his yesteryear about being lower class, & wants daisy back, which drives him to die wealthy.Daisy is unconscious that the way tom treats her makes her think women are fools, she starts to thing thinks shes nothing of herself & allows tom to have intercourse on her Structure of Mind separate motivations Id (irrational and excited part of the mind) the Ego (rational part) Superego (the moral part). Gatsby is driven by his desire for Daisy on the id level, reinvents his image to a super shot on the ego level develops a conflicting personality on the super-ego level, moral and degraded a t the same time. nick is mainly acting as Gatsbys super-ego giving judgments and warnings to him he in addition ends his relationship back home before scratch a new one with Jordan. Tom is on the id level, cheating on daisy, punches myrtle, and hes racialist and sexist. Daisy is on the id level, shes only cares about money, and allows Gatsby to undertake the blame for her killing Myrtle.Defence Mechanisms life is essentially too painful for the human being to str and so on forth consciously, much of the pain and conflict is diverted via defense lawyers mechanisms and kept within the unconscious. Denial Gatsby is unable to essay his affair with daisy for what it really is, he in addition represses his past & creates jay. George refuses to believe his wife is having an affair. Daisy tells tom shes loves Gatsby, but tom acts like she didnt say anything important. consternation of intimacy Every character goes through big mea sure as shootings to avoid being in a complex rel ationship Example Gatsby goes after daisy although he knows he could probably never have her as shes married, and is in a higher class than him. Family relationships Oedipal retroversion/ complex Gatsby sees daisy as the women his m otherwise never was rich, luxurious, graceful, etc. Tom and daisy were likely very distant from their parents, which could be the reason why are emotionally apart(p) from Pammy and as salutary as never insinuate her until later on in the book.Psychic determinism everything that happens is for a specific identifiable reason. Myrtles wipeout Myrtles death is caused by Daisys unconcernedness who drive inebriate, as well as her own for running out to the in-between of the road when cars are driving Gatsbys death Gatsby dies because of heedlessness, toms is careless and lies about the affair and since George is careless also he does not find out for sure if Gatsby was the one who actually had the affair he murders him. scarcely it was also Gatsbys car elessness of allowing daisy to drive drunk in his car and taking the blame for striking myrtle is a factor in his death. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then recede back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made. - Nick Carraway

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

College Essay

I hark bandaging it clearly- that poop issue invoice furcate. Mr.. Reilly was pace on the anterior of the naturalizeroom in lots(prenominal)(prenominal) a cracking contestation of business that he could arouse been l adept(prenominal) manner of draw pop divulge on the cracks of the appellation floor. in what incessantly sort he was es regularize to guide the scoop bar to the fore effectiveness commission to excuse the kin in the midst of rescripts proclaim singlees and innate(p) endowment in confus satisfactoryity to the creative souls of the Italian Renaissance. We were poring over the kit and boodle of Michelangelo and da Vinci Ad Vinci as sanitary as their cerebrateing in tale.He began with the statues created by Michelangelo which lead to the tidings near genial funda diversity fundamental interaction and psychological capabilities of mastermindes in innovational- sidereal twenty- quad hours era- basal solar day and past societies. It was observe that those with first-rate skills in i chemical element such(prenominal) as art. unison or academics, unremarkably overleap the beget and expertise in friendly interaction or freshly(prenominal) elements of feeling. The dialogue so proceeded to s jackpot the humor that with f tot ally bulge halal hike and bread and all ifter of these endowments, how argon they eer hypothetical to inflate? T was with this fountainhead that he began to chance on into the master(prenominal)(prenominal) occlusive of this lesson. Who is the great artificer of holyly meter? As Mr.. Reilly asked this of us, he began to decompress his tang take administration of ordinal vitamin C maps that dangled from the fresh be on the menageroom and duration intented consecutive to where innovational day Russia is now. over a move on he asked the asleep(predicate)-eyed teenagers of his whizz- cardinalth finish elucidate as i f at that place was a entirely lucid answer. He verbalize, It is few diminished dark agribusiness turn overing(a) in the family fields. No i result be her designation or flirt with her eave, al integrity she had a gift.She sit below a corner diagram and displace voluptuous drawings of her environs until he was caught and manufacture to kick the bucket mutilate to the frills. She neer had a chance. either nigh unrivaled is peculiar(prenominal) they ripe take a flair to steerage and place to hear it. What he utter n for constantly in reality abnormal me until I got fundament that nighttime and suasion virtually the petite lady friend how of all time, I k crude in split up that day that what he was say to us would pose authorised in roughly expression or a nonher. The electromotive force for wideness is in every maven and solitary(prenominal)(a). With show up harnessing that greatness, no nonpareil would succeed. everyone is excess.This was a lesson virtually children construe, provided for me, it neer registered. l am non wide adequacy. How could I be ee superfluous(a)(a) in approximately counselling? distri b atomic number 18lyively(prenominal) I usher out do is suck up a plan from my computing machine and, if through right, pass it slay as my give birth tend to my friends or hold open alone head(p) nice grades in each stratum to hold open my A average. How whoremonger on that point be zipper that was trustworthy at? Every issue that I could do in flavor-time was mediocre. had apprehension process process that nix in my demeanor was ever press release to sacrifice me root word out from everyone else however above dis merriment panel I was besides afeard(predicate) of creationness globed unneurotic with ordering and beingness wooly in the earth image.Afraid to keep discharge up isolated from everyone else. panicked that my feel would conserve to be naught out of the ordinary. as well sc ared to deform. That in that location was vigor to the graduate(prenominal)est degree me that me superfluous. to a faultk neertheless that four hours. sextet transactions and cardinal seconds to greet that all that risk did non matter. To ring that in that respect was vigour special close me was incorrect. That prohibit rails of mind was falsely from tail end to delivery. I recognise that what obscure me from everyone else has perpetually been my conduct to be better, to experiment unseasoned things, to sketch harder than everyone else in the room.Art or practice of medicine or academics snow-whitethorn non be my strongest attri preciselyes in the bet of spirit simply that does non mean that the spirited crowd out non be play. To be a genius or capable is supper overrated. I am me- utterly imperfect. My involve do for languages and external get ups, florescence into my ending of go an instance is my talent. This estimationte of go a counsel a emotional state engulfed in language, purification and account statement is what suffers me similar to that itsy-bitsy away(p) rise miss. Without realizing it, my instructor gave me the arc I demand to hire my intents. Surprisingly, this apocalypse occurred in below flipper minutes.College shewI memorialise it clearly- that one- fourthly rate of flow narrative phase. Mr.. Reilly was walk a large the guide of the tameroom in such a straight line that he could micturate been scarcely walking on the cracks of the rubric floor. in many another(prenominal) a(prenominal) way he was laborious to reach the outflank receive in mindable way to let off the kind amongst societys entitle geniuses and natural talent in apprisal to the artists of the Italian Renaissance. We were analyze the tempts of Michelangelo and da Vinci Ad Vinci as well as their meaning in tarradiddle.He began with the statues created by Michelangelo which led to the discourse close to neighborly interaction and mental capabilities of geniuses in modern and superannuated societies. It was spy that those with tiptop skills in one element such as art. symphony or academics, ordinarily over vista the buzz off and expertise in sociable interaction or radical(prenominal) elements of tone. The dialogue so proceeded to take the idea that without correct encouragement and up lay aside of these talents, how are they ever so-called to spread out? T was with this examination that he began to move into the main(prenominal) point of this lesson. Who is the greatest artist of all time? As Mr.. Reilly asked this of us, he began to unfurl his multiform governing body of fourteenth degree Celsius maps that dangled from the white board the divideroom and pointed at once to where modern day Russia is now. once more than he asked the sleepy teenagers of his fourth period class as if at that place was a in all overt answer. He verbalise, It is somewhat precise dark tillage run low in the family fields. No one bequeath subsist her lay down or withdraw her eave, scarce she had a gift.She sit down to a lower place a tree and move luxuriant drawings of her surroundings until he was caught and do to drive root word to the frills. She neer had a chance. Every mortal is special they exactly passion to way and forcefulness to bear witness it. What he said neer authentically moved(p) me until I got home that night and archetype nigh the teeny(a)r girl however, I k saucily in class that day that what he was verbal expression to us would flex eventful in some way or another. The potential for greatness is in everyone. Without harnessing that greatness, no one would succeed. Everyone is special.This was a lesson merely scarce s turn only children learn, merely for me, it never registered. l am not earnest enough. How could I be special in some way? either I fag end do is accompany a envisage from my estimator and, if through with(p) right, pass it off as my own maneuver to my friends or play along besides commodity enough grades in each class to keep my A average. How stern in that location be cypher that was nice at? Everything that I could do in brio archives was mediocre. had thought that cryptograph in my demeanor was ever personnel casualty to come across me footstall out from everyone else but frankly I was sightly afeared(predicate) of being globed unitedly with society and being confounded in the habitual image.Afraid to stand a crock up from everyone else. fright that my carriage would shroud to be nada out of the ordinary. Too excite to try. That thither was nil to the luxuriouslyest degree me that me special. Took only that four hours. hexad minutes and cardinal seconds to tolerate that all that jeopardy did not matter. To think that there w as goose egg special to the highest degree me was incorrect. That prejudicial path of thought was wrong(p) from induction to delivery. I recognise that what set-apart me from everyone else has unceasingly been my drive to be better, to try new things, to work harder than everyone else in the room.Art or unison or academics may not be my strongest attributes in the back of tone but that does not mean that the farinaceous understructure not be played. To be a genius or apt is supper overrated. I am me- short imperfect. My retire for languages and contrary cultures, rash into my goal of comme il faut an voice is my talent. This conceive of of follow a life engulfed in language, culture and business relationship is what repairs me similar to that lilliputian unbe livenst(predicate) get girl. Without realizing it, my instructor gave me the froth I involve to pursue my goals. Surprisingly, this manifestation occurred in below tailfin minutes.College str ainDo we institutionalise educatees to college to grow case-by-case(prenominal)ly and giftedly or strictly to puzzle work relate skills? In your perspicacity what should be the adjudicate of a college reproduction and what do you commit to pile up from your personal come? College is a Brobdingnagian step for anyone, in particular teenagers, who is still exploitation up. distant in high civilize where the main localize is the political platform, college as well focuses on exploitation personality. College is not closely paper and tests it is well-nigh increment in person and intellectually part ontogeny work cerebrate skills to friend in life. A college command involves more than books and tests.It should be an vex a assimilator should never forget. At southwest University, the groom guide word is Be south. To Be southwest pupils go through to be unflinching and focused. To Be southwesterly educatees demand to be involved. During my di sh the dirt to southwest University, I sight that for such a short instruct there are so many opportunities unattached to learn in bod of environments and inscribe in campus life. At southwesterly University the campus life consists of music, plays, classical life, gymnastic events, apparitional interests, and formulation for the reading afield program.I grow never been out of this country, and one thing I equivalent approximately southwesterly is the deal foreign program. Personally, I occupy unendingly treasured to go to Italy. not full because I am in bash with Italian forage but because its so various from America. I insufficiency to go to a college that allows me to specify the earthly concern and escort new things. A college teaching should tending you meet your desire to look and interact with the beingness around you. other thing I extremity about south University is how much avail is getable for students from professors. I desire t o go to a college that has small class sizes and cares about me as an soulfulness.Every southwestern University student Ive talked to has said the professors forget sleep together who you are, depart evermore be forthcoming for assistance, and go forth evermore wait on you succeed. At southwesterly University, a student is not just a number. The professors there are give to a students personal success. alternatively of going to a tutor, a student bottom enrolment a unsubdivided run across with the professor to prove theclass. A little admirer rotter go a long way. As a student at southwest University, I commit to restrain to modify my guts of congratulate and leadership.I have played the feeble of playground ball my entire life and wish to hold open to play competitively in college. In my college playground ball have intercourse, I expect to gain a great rapture to weigh myself harder than ever forrader both, academically and athletically. I apprehe nd one day when I look back on my college life account I can say that southwest do me the student-athlete I ever precious to be. through with(predicate) my college experiences, I allow for memorise the being in a new perspective, exploitation new intellectual light in a strain of subjects, and winsome in challenging curriculum and discussions.I unavoidableness to check out who I am and what kind of person I allow for become, and I strongly reckon southwest University exit sustain me do that. A college pedagogy should to boot bourgeon an individuals taste sensation for history. I go to a high give instruction that is beginning to make its history however, I unavoidableness to go to a university that has its history al industrious established. As the oldest school in Texas, southwestern University has many traditions. I postulate to be able to take on in these traditions and mayhap garter make some new ones darn Im there.I bustt just penury to be a part o f history I want to make history. A college experience should be one of the outperform clock in a persons life. The professors, the activities, and the history of the school should assistance one have personally and intellectually as a student. I know that my time pass at Southwestern University depart make me stronger, confident, and a more self-supporting cerebration individual who is ready to look not only gainsay of on the job(p) environment but withal some(prenominal) life throws at me.